President’s Message

Brett Price-KM6VFW

Your Board Members have met and determined to cancel the March 19, 2020 meeting for the protection of our membership. 

Given the recommendation of federal, state and local health authorities regarding efforts to avoid contracting coronavirus (COVID-19), including social distancing, among others, the demographics of our membership, the virulent and aggressive nature of this disease, and your Board’s desire to help our members to avoid contamination, we believe this is the best decision for CVARC and its membership. This decision was difficult but necessary. We hope to resume meetings in April or May, depending upon facts and circumstances relating to coronavirus.

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President’s Message

Wow, what a great weekend of radio fun!

This past weekend was the 54th Annual California QSO Party.  This was my second year participating.  I operated for about 7 hours, over the two days, and I managed to make contacts in 26 California counties, 27 states, 3 Canadian provinces and two other foreign countries (France and Honduras).  79 contacts in all.  I worked fellow CVARC member Bob Hughes-K6HHW and heard Norm Campbell-AB6ET as we both tried to work an Italian station.  I also heard Pete Heins-N6ZE.  Hopefully other CVARC members were in on the fun, especially those who recently upgraded to General.

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President’s Message

We had a great turnout at the Picnic and Mini T-Hunt yesterday.  Thanks to Bill Willcox-KF6JQO for making the arrangements, Diane Wainwood-KJ6JEJ for organizing the potluck, Mike Felio-K6MJF for doing an amazing job with the BBQ, and Norm Goodkin-K6YXH for supplying the transmitter and running the t-hunt.  It was great to see so many members using their Yagi antennas.  I know many people had success in finding the transmitter, although it wasn’t easy.  It sounds like people enjoyed the hunt.  I hope we can make this an annual event.  I posted some photos from the picnic yesterday.  Be sure to look for those.

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President’s Message

“Two Alpha?”  “No, 20 Alpha…  2-0.”  “20 Alpha?!?!  Wow!”  If you spent any time operating as AA6CV on Field Day, you undoubtedly experienced this.  Probably more than once.  We have a lot to be proud of. 

Every year CVARC has a very impressive Field Day operation; the tents, the number of stations, the antenna farm… the BBQ alone was an impressive undertaking.  Working Phone, Digital and CW on eight bands, we made over 1000 contacts in 72 different Sections, 53 States and Provinces, and 15 countries.  Wow!

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President’s Message

I can’t believe it’s already May!  Another year is flying by. 

Thanks to club VP Brett Price-KM6VFW for running the meeting last month, while I was back east with my family for Spring Break, and for filling in again at this month’s meeting, which I’ll miss because of a school event. I look forward to seeing you all very soon, but I know things are in good hands.

You’ve probably noticed that the club is growing.  Every month we’re adding new members.  With so many new members, the Board thought it might be time for a few reminders about how to get more out of the club and our website. 

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President’s Message

If you were at our February meeting, you likely heard that we’re planning some new things for 2019.  Well, maybe not new, but we’re bringing back some things that CVARC hasn’t done in a while.

It’s been a few years since we’ve had a real club picnic, one that wasn’t also a Mini-Field Day.  So we’re planning to have a club picnic in August – a picnic where spouses and children are encouraged to attend – a picnic that’s less about radio and more about good food and socializing… although there will be a little radio fun.

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President’s Message

Happy New Year!  I’d like to again thank outgoing Board members Tim Wheeler-K6POI, Steve Gillis-KZ6H, Joe Sprissler-AI6MW and Ben Herrera-W6JWZ for their service to the club, and again welcome new Board members Brett Price-KM6VFW, Paul Van Zuyle-K6PVZ, Kat Hunley-K6VQN and Diane Wainwood-KJ6JEJ.  The Board has already had it first meeting of the new year, and we’ve started planning for 2019.  I think you’ll enjoy what’s to come. 

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President’s Message

Another CVARC Holiday Party is in the books.  We had approximately 50 members and guests in attendance.  Everyone seemed to have had a good time.  The food was good, as always.  I probably ate more than I should have… and I probably wasn’t the only one. 

Congratulations to the Raffle winners!  Jim Aguirre-KM6GUE won the Yaesu mobile Rig, and Joe Sprissler-AI6MW won the $350 DX Engineering gift card.  And then there was the Hugh Bosma Legacy Award. 

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