Spring Fling-Rover Roundup Set for Saturday, April 20

CVARC is planning a special amateur radio event for Saturday, April 20, 2024, with the goal of keeping alive the spirit of camaraderie and togetherness among hams in the Conejo Valley.  Let’s connect over the air and in person.  The idea is to have some fun.  Feel free to participate in whatever part of this event interests you.

Rover Roundup Contest: 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

Picnic at Conejo Community Center: Noon to 3:00 P.M.

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Spring Fling-Rover Roundup is Back

Save the date! The Spring Fling-Rover Roundup is back on Saturday, April 15th. It’s a fun event- actually three events in one! There’s the contest, on 2 meter simplex where you try to make as many contacts as you can from local grid squares.

The contest is followed by picnic at Dos Vientos Park. And finally there will be a SOTA event in conjunction with the Spring Fling. For details and complete contest rules click here. The idea is to have some fun. Feel free to participate in whatever part of this event interests you.

ARRL 10m Contest Results

Several CVARC members participated in the ARRL 10m contest held Dec 10-11, 2022. Band conditions were favorable with lots of activity on both CW and voice portions of the band.

  • Nick Blackwell-KC0MQE made 6 QSOs into the upper Midwest.  He noted a great window into MN, IL and WI and could easily be heard running 100 watts.
  • Craig Grimm-KD6NFD made 115 QSOs with 41 states and countries. He noted a brief opening to the upper east coast including NY, MD, RI, and ME that lasted less than 30 minutes.
  • James Smith-KK6YAM used the contest as an opportunity to test out his setup and made a QSO with another station in California.
  • Pete Heins-N6ZE made 28 QSOs with 15 states and countries including CA, IL, KY, MN, LA, WI, TN, FL, GA, SC, NC, Japan, Australia, and Brazil. He ran an Icom IC-756 running 90 watts into a Cushcraft R5 vertical antenna.

Mark your calendars for the CVARC Winter Field Day on January 28.  There will be lots of activity on all the bands and a great chance to make contacts, practice your skills and learn from others. See you at the park! 

Spring Fling Rover Roundup Nets 737 QSOs

CVARC’s Spring Fling Rover Roundup was held Sunday April 11, along with a Zoom meeting hosted by Brad Ormsby-W6VO. It was a three-hour 2M simplex contest that allowed multiple QSOs with the same operators provided at least one of them had changed their location to another 6-digit maidenhead square. Each square you bagged, either as a rover or from home, counted as a multiplier. Several dozen people participated, and 18 submitted their scores during the Zoom meeting. Like all our VHF contests this past year, it was designed so that everyone could be competitive with any license or level of equipment.

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N6ZE’s Report on the Spring 2-Meter Sprint

N6ZE operated for the first half hour of the Spring 2-Meter Sprint in the Santa Monica mountains. Note the brown/orange layer over Santa Monica Bay. This indicated that there was a temperature inversion between Ventura County and San Diego County which served to make 2-meter signals much stronger than usual over the 180-mile path. Three San Diego stations with just handhelds were worked by N6ZE.

By Pete Heins-N6ZE@aol.com

The first of the Spring VHF/UHF sprint events was held on Monday evening, April 5th. As per usual, I decided to operate from a favorite high spot in the Santa Monica mountains for the first half hour (7 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.) of the 4-hour contest period and to watch the setting sun.

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One Great Hour of Fun

Pete Heins-N6ZE’s station on top of Tarantula Hill for the January 2021 VHF Sprint. N6ZE used a day pack to carry his station to the top of the hill.

On Saturday morning, January 2, the Winter VHF Sprint provided one great hour of fun to communicate with many (DM04) Ventura County locals who are members of the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club and/or Ventura County Amateur Radio Society. Unlike many other VHF/UHF operating events, only 6 meters, 2 meters, and 135 cm were permitted.

Pete Heins-N6ZE provided these interesting bits of trivia about the Winter VHF Sprint event:

Continue reading “One Great Hour of Fun”

Thoughts on the CA QSO Party

AD6SF’s contacts plotted

By Stu Forman-AD6SF

I don’t consider myself a contester, but there are a few weekends each year that I let my family know that I plan to be unavailable.  Don’t include me in any plans, as I intend to hole myself up in the office for most, or all, of the weekend, leaving only to grab a quick bite or use the bathroom.  I might not come to bed, so don’t wait up.  I might not shower, so don’t get too close.  This was one of those weekends.   This past weekend was the California QSO Party.

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