President’s Message

Hello CVARC members, families, and guests!

Ed Zimmermann-N6XEW

June is here and another very busy month is ahead for amateur radio in Ventura County. We had the Love Run this past Sunday. Coming up is the CVARC VE session on the 11th. And let’s not forget that Field Day preparations are well under way. Field Day setup starts on Friday June 23rd at noon. Field Day operating hours begin on Saturday June 24th at 11 A.M. and continue to Sunday June 25th at 11 A.M. After that, we break everything down, pack up, and clean up the field.

Our Field Day committee meets every Wednesday at 8 P.M. on Zoom. Please join in if you can. We are always looking for additional people to operate the bands and to help with setup and tear down.  It’s a big job over a short period of time and the more people we have helping really lightens the load.  If you can attend and help out please check the CVARC website and sign up.

The CVARC general meeting is Thursday June 15th at 7:30pm. Orv Beach-W6BI will discuss ham radio networking or “mesh” networking, one of the fastest growing activities in amateur radio. The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) Mesh Network Project is a very large, long-range WiFi-type network system for licensed amateur radio operators and can operate on amateur radio frequencies.

The CVARC Newbie Net meets every Sunday night at 7:00 P.M. The Newbie Net is an opportunity for newer hams to get on the air and gain experience and confidence. More experienced hams or “Elmers” regularly check in and are available to answer questions and offer advice.  All are welcome.  We are always looking for net controllers. It is great practice and fun to be net control, so please sign up with Todd Kleopfer-KD6RCM at #hamharder.

I put a challenge to the club last month for anyone wanting to run the CVARC Newbie net, and Marti Usher-K6MDU stepped up and did the NET the following Sunday. He did an awesome job! Thank you, Martin.

Hope to hear you on the air!



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